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Discover the safe(r) spaces in Flanders

This map gives an overview of LGBTQI+ safe(r) spaces in Flanders. The map is community based: this means that safe(r) spaces are added by people from and around the LGBTQ+ community. Find out which safe(r) spaces exist in your neighborhood, give a review or add one yourself!

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Frequently asked questions

A safe(r) space or safe(r) and trusted environment (VVO) for LGBTQI+ persons is a physical or virtual space or context in which they are together, exclusively or not, with like-minded people and/or family and friends. The people in the space and any organizers express, and live by, the intention to provide emotional safety so that LGBTQI+ persons there experience acceptance, support and absence of social norms.

Safe(r) spaces or VVOs can take many different forms. Perhaps you feel very safe in a particular (queer) bar, or you have a hairdresser who does not charge men’s and women’s prices. Or maybe you know of a growing community initiative that deserves a spot on the map? Organizations committed to increasing safety can also get a spot on the map. Safety comes in many forms, so be sure to let us know where you feel safe(r)!

The Queerkaart is the result of a project on Safe(r) and Trusted Environments by Wel Jong and çavaria, supported by Gelijke Kansen Vlaanderen. The site is managed by an employee of Wel Jong or çavaria: this person also monitors which spaces are added.

The safe(r) spaces that are added come from the LGBTQI+ community. They are people from and around our community who let us know where they feel safe(r). So the administrators themselves are not responsible for adding safe(r) spaces, but they do monitor the additions.

Yes indeed, please do! Our Queerkaart is growing because of you. It is a map for and by LGBTQI+ people.

Using the ‘Add new safe(r) space’ button on our main page, you can add your own place, environment or context in which you feel safe(r). When you fill out the short form, we will be notified. We review your submission, and approve it if it meets our conditions.

On the map you will find places marked with the logo of our project. You can click on them to get more information per place. You can also choose the list view. Then all places within your selection will appear below each other. Do you want to search more specifically? Then you can use the search bar with relevant terms. Do you prefer to search by province? You can do that too. You can find the different provinces on the left.

There are green tags on the left. These can help refine your search. For example, are you looking for a free safe(r) space, or is physical accessibility very important to you? Then you can select those tags. You will then see only the safe(r) spaces classified under that tag. The tags are based on the 7 B’s of accessibility. More information can be found in the brochure ‘Guide to inclusive communication (NL)‘.